Monday, August 17, 2009


On a dark and dreary night
A worker had gone unnoticed
Drizzles of rain drew beads onto the spring lawn around her
As beams of headlights peered upon the highway nearby

Reflections on the highway telling of upcoming vehicles
Whistles as it zooms by and every now and then
A voice can be heard
A cigarette will be lit and this Saturday night remains dim

In between breaks of carbonous exhales
A cloud of smoke drawn circles linger overhead
A calmness engulfed upon this persons thoughts
Visions of memories replayed fresh like it had only happened yesterday

In a rush, moments of hurried winds shuffled, tormenting the trees around her
A cold chill ravaged her skin as she dreaded the call of Autumn
Thoughts became boggled as this too, will soon be a memory
With a rush and a wink, some other worker will be in this very moment

What wonders and kindness might that person feel, are we all the same?
Will that person feel the emotions and the bitterness of these chilly nights?
Will the sprinkles from above lay calmly upon their mind?
Or will it zoom by so quickly like no wonder at all?

Its all an assumption. Taking for granted tomorrow. Merely a second thought.