Monday, May 11, 2009

My Grams

Everyone thought it was just old age how easily she forgot
Little things became a heavy burden of a task
Grandma just couldnt remember the things that she once taught
Frustration became the response to questions many people would ask

At ten o'clock on Sundays, as church would begin
Grandma only wanted to be able to attend
When rides became far and few, to her it was a sin
Not only was her church her savior, but everyone was a friend

It became harder on me you see
Running from the stress and unusual behavior of this disease
The hurt I felt when Grandma could no longer recognize me
The most easiest going woman became the hardest to please

Every now and then I think of how she mustve felt
I wonder what she thought and if she were all alone
In a world she no longer knew; in a church she no longer knelt
From the back of a pew, in the back of her mind, was there still a harp like tone

Six months before my Grandma's passing
I never imagined to have to handle such a sight but now he's set free
Uncle was called to Heaven little did we know this wasnt the last thing
To endure so much and lose the man that meant so much to me

Ive learned that life is far shorter than I once thought
These days are taken for granted, in a place so full of panic
Refuge is supposed to be what I've heard only refugees have sought
There is this personal war so widespread, leading many helplessly manic

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Sometimes...knowing is never enough
Wonder surrounds and may consume us
Trying our best to get over the tough
Believing in yourself and God is an everyday plus

Without my beliefs there is just no way
No way for me to have gotten this far
Through love and prayer I try to live by each day
And every night I see those I miss sparkling through each star

Its like a hello from a far away place
Distant reminders of a goal to be reached for
When I look above its dreams I chase
Before I sleep my mind prepares for "just one more"

Sometimes...we just have to...
Do the best with what we've got...
When we fail--"we just do"...
Thats life--we do our best with what we've been taught

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Love of Two Brothers

(this is a poem i wrote for a friend of mine whose brother had just been involved in a near-fatal car accident. his family felt trapped at the hospital they were forced to know for many long months after the accident. the brother survived, but does have some issues.).............

The love two brothers hold is unbearable and true
You are there for each other and its shown upon you
Each tear shed from your questionable eyes
Shows me more than painful cries
The cries for help you continually shout
For the love of a brother you can't live without
The fears you are going through is one I can't describe
But I am hear for you always its shown by my vibe
There will never be a day that you both wont appreciate
Having each other around...its more than just fate
You both see the miracles growing from inside a tiny room
A room that seems oh so little but filled with God's doom
I wish I can tell you how much I care
I will do my best I could to always be there


Monday, May 4, 2009

One of Those Nights

It's hard to hold back what I already know
To shelter these feelings that constantly grow
I miss you more than anyone can imagine
I think of those years and what could have been

This loneliness taunts me when I look back at certain places
My heart it holds strong to your memory which it embraces
I picture you now with that smile and heart of gold
If I can hold you now I would do it without having to be told

"Come here my little niece give your Uncle a hug" you would say...
I'd smile as I would happily...happily go your way
It was as if I were the only one to be centered on this earth
You made me feel so special-you've done so since my birth

Your absence leaves me silent and my mind yet filled with love
The silence isn't always bad when I think of God above
I know you're with us now and then
You let it be known and I thank you as much as I can

I may be the one who gets lonely
But I'm not alone you see
I'm carrying on your memory
Like you would want it to be