Friday, January 9, 2009

The Colors of Her Heart

She laughed as she sang an unfortunate song
Only few people knew she'd been singing it all along
Like grains of sand it stayed etched in her heart
The people who cared once tried to tear it all apart

Anxiously, she would wake each day only to find
The days just got longer and heavily weighed on her mind
One morning she awoke to find her sun was not yet there
She searched endlessly, hoping she would find her light somewhere

The moon's nighttime smile beemed on her for a short while
Like a script it were written on a page of life she had no choice but to file
The nights became longer as well as the days
She could only discover her heart pounded so many different ways

Where would the light be and how can it be found
She found it today as she lifted her head and slowly looked around
Through her friends she found that glimmer of light that she had hoped for
Through her family she gained insight to all of that and so much more

The time she wasted looking everywhere but near
Its shallow of her to have sank too low, torchered by one single tear
Thankfully she never gave up...she fought till the end
Only to find there was a circle of which allowed her heart to mend

Never ending was this circle...this circle never could stop
Now she climbs mountains and only rests at the top
Through her past she layed the memories down
So noone else would find noone else would frown

Carefully as she aged she watched over that very spot
She was the keeper of the grounds that once kept her distraught

She paid no mind to those that curiously walked the land
While journeying, she cared for everyone right from the start
She found her light by following footsteps in the sand
The sand is what gave color to her once faded heart

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